Download Ndlea recruitment past questions & Answer PDF 2021: Did you apply for the National Drug and Law Enforcement Agency Recruitment 2019? if so you’re in the proper place. you need the Ndlea past question to enable you to succeed in the upcoming Ndlea recruitment exams. this article will give you all the guidelines on how to download the Ndlea recruitment past question 2019 I will urge you to read this article till the end see full details below.

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I believe you have been asking one of the above questions if that has been one of your problems don’t panic is here to make everything easy for you. continue reading as we answer the above question right here on this page.
Why You Need the NDLEA Recruitment Pass Questions
If you really need the NDLEA recruitment, you might be considering passing questions Answers in your mind. Besides other factors that we have gathered from customers who have bought our previous questions in the past and have been effectively hired which we have included in the latter portion of this article, here are a few reasons why you should buy this previous question.
- It provides you a comprehensive insight into what to expect from the real exam.
- Usually, 80% of the issues contained therein are repeated either immediately or rephrased by such colleges.
- If you see them in the exam room, you can easily remember the responses to questions and save time for other tougher issues.
- Gives trust to the real thing before you enter the hall.
What are NDLEA Recruitment Past Questions all about
These are questions set by the National Drug and Law Enforcement Agency NDLEA as criteria to examine all candidates before final employment the questions are basically for categories English language, Mathematics, Current Affairs candidates are expected to try their very best to answer the questions
Samples of the NDLEA Recruitment Past Questions
1. The chemical in marijuana that causes the high is:
- A. Nicotine
- B. THC
- D. TER
2. Which of these brain parts plays the most important part of your emotional behavior?
- A. Cerebellum
- B. Thalamus
- C. Amygdala
- D. Brain stem
3. How can smoking marijuana regularly be especially harmful to teens?
- A. It lowers your IQ
- B. It can affect your ability to drive safely
- C. It can make you less motivated to do well in school
- D. All of the above
4. What is the most commonly used illicit drug?
- A. Marijuana
- B. Heroin
- C. Ecstasy
- D. Cocaine
5. Which of these statements is true?
- A. Drugs enhance your creativity
- B. A drug may give you a temporary “high,” but when it wears off the crash is lower than before
- C. Drugs will remove your fears and make life more pleasant
- D. It takes years to become dependent on drugs
6. What is meant by “tolerance” to a drug?
- A. A person has continual cravings for the drug
- B. Giving people the choice to take any drugs they wish
- C. More and more of the drug is needed to produce the same high
- D. The urge to try new types of drugs
7. What are some of the symptoms of drug dependence?
- A. Increased heart rate
- B. Depression and craving for more of the drug
- C. Loss of appetite
- D. Flashbacks
8. What does marijuana come from?
- A. A root
- B. A chemical
- C. A plant
- D. A mushroom
9. America’s Longest War Was:
- A. Civil War
- B. Vietnam
- C. Afghanistan
- D. Drug War
10. Which Country Locks Up the Most People for Drug Law Violations (In Total and Per Capita)?
- A) Russia
- B) China
- C) Mexico
- D) United States
is the NDLEA recruitment past questions with answers
Yes that NDLEA is in a PDF format with correct answers to each of the questions
How to Download NDLEA Recruitment Past Questions & Answers PDF 2021
These Past Questions and Answers cost the sum of N2000 only.
You are expected to pay the above-mentioned sum to the Bank account provided below to purchase the (NDLEA) Recruitment Past Questions and Answers.
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