How to Increase Your CGPA | Grow Your CGPA and Graduate in Flying Colours: You must know how to increase your CGPA and learn how to grow it from where it is now to where it should as a student so you can graduate with flying colors. Every student, parents and teachers alike are all geared towards the goal of getting good grades and although education goes beyond god grades, it is expected of you while in school to try and get nice grades, as they help you later on in life in many ways than you can imagine.

As a university student, your heartbeat should be your graduating grade, measured in as CGPA and how to increase your CGPA is a constant thought you must or should be thinking about. Your Cumulative Grade Point Average, CGPA which is a measurement of your performance per cause per semester and session tells you how good or how bad your performance in school is or has been. So you must know how to measure it and how to build it.
The good news here is the fact that it is never too late to start building on a good CGPA. So do not lose faith because you are in year three, four or five as the case may be and think it is impossible to do well in your overall assessment. Though we know wasted time cannot be recovered, we should also have it in mind that it is never too late to begin a good course. So brace up you learn how to increase your CGPA.
Here are the ways to grow and build your Cumulative Grade Point Average CGPA into something worthwhile, they are;
- Start Early: The best way to increase your CGPA and graduate with a first-class or second class upper is for you to start early. Start from your first day in school to begin the journey of planning your grades and knowing how to develop them. Get it right from the start and build on it.
- Be Consistent: The key phrase in building or increasing of anything is consistency. Work consistent, no matter how small the effort maybe rather than putting in a hard and inconsistent effort.
- Have a Well Planned Schedule: Have a well planned time and place for studying, this will help you stay consistent in reading and studying. This is one of the main issues as regarding how to increase your CGPA as without a good schedule that is consistently followed, studying and passing with good grades is a mirage.
- Work Hard and Work Smart: You must be hardworking and smart working too to get a good CGPA. You must know your different studying methods and when to apply them. You must know how to study from the beginning of the semester to gain a broad knowledge of your course and when to narrow down your reading to a particular scope during examinations. Take all assignments and test seriously, as your continuous assessment helps better than your examination most times.
- Know your Lecturers and their Individual Approaches: Yes, you must understand your individual lecturers and know-how their tests, exams and other assessment come and are graded. Give individual lecturers what they want and don’t have a general basis for handling them.
- Rely on God: Yes the God factor helps in all aspects of life including education and academics, exploit it.