FCMB Bank Past Questions and Answers PDF: Just get a copy of the FCMB Recruitment Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers and start studying with it. To help you do that, we have put down the link below where you can download your own copy, including some crucial FCMB Recruitment detail. the best way to prepare and succeed in the First City Monument Bank Job Aptitude Test. If you are interested in applying for a job at FCMB Bank or have an invitation to participate in First City Monument Bank, Nigeria Job Aptitude Test, then this Past Questions and Answers in PDF format is for you.

We’ve done extensive research and gathered all the previous FCMB questions and answers you need to prepare for your exams. Below are the areas in which FCMB job Aptitude Test questions are drawn from
- Verbal Reasoning
- Abstract Reasoning
- Basic Mathematics
- Current Affairs
- History
- Common Knowledge
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is the widespread name for a disorder that is also called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), but many sufferers object to the name CFS on grounds that it does not reflect the severity of the illness. While profound fatigue is one symptom of this debilitating condition, there are many others, including muscle pain, headaches, and cognitive difficulties.
Its nomenclature is not the only controversial aspect of CFS. Although an estimated 17 million people worldwide have CFS, its cause is unknown and a diagnostic test does not exist. Doctors must first rule out other conditions that share CFS’s symptoms. As there is no cure for CFS, treatment tends to focus on alleviating symptoms, which can range from mild to severe. Despite the World Health Organisation classifying CFS as a neurological disease, there is much disagreement within the medical community. Some scientists believe that CFS originates from a virus, others argue that it stems from genetic predisposition, while still others believe that it is a psychiatric condition.
Because of continuing skepticism about CFS, patients welcomed a 2009 study that linked CFS and an XMRV retrovirus. What at first appeared to be a major scientific breakthrough, however, was not proven by further research – and XMRV is now thought to be a lab contaminant.
- 1. Which of these two statements must be true?
- A. CFS’s symptoms lack consensus within the medical community
- B. Many patients believe the name Myalgic Encephalomyelitis trivializes the condition
- C. A symptom of CFS is profound fatigue
- D. There are more than two controversies to CFS
2. Which of these two statements must be true?
- A. A 2009 study linking CFS with a retrovirus has now been discredited
- B. World Health Organisation classifies CFS as a neurological disease
- C. Scientists believe that CFS originates from a virus
- D. The Writer believes that CFS is a psychiatric condition
3. Which of these two statements must be true?
- A. CFS’s symptoms are also attributable to other illness
- B. The exact number of CFS sufferers is unknown
- C. The cure for CFS is to alleviate symptoms
- D. CFS stems from genetic predisposition
4. Which of these two statements must be true?
- A. CFS affects 17 million people worldwide
- B. CFS nomenclature is the main controversial aspect of the disease
- C. CFS is the popular name for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
- D. There is continuous skepticism around CFS
5. A worker earns a 5% raise. A year later, the worker receives a 2.5% cut in pay, and now his salary is N22702.68. What was his salary to begin with?
- (a) N22000
- (b) N22176
- (c) N25000
- (d) N22193
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