We are glad to inform you that you can now Apply for Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Recruitment 2020 read carefully till the end of the article and have all the information concerning DRC recruitment www.ngo/vacancies the available vacant positions, requirement and how to apply for the job vacancy.

Numerously, Applicants have been asking us what job vacancy currently ongoing. today I present to you DRC recruitment 2019 in Guideempire.com.ng we give a description of all the jobs posted on our website to enable our readers to understand the nature of the job they want to apply.
Info About the Danish Refugee Council (DRC)
The Danish Refugee Council was established in Denmark in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council is helping refugees and internally displaced people around the world: we are providing emergency aid, fighting for their rights, and strengthening their chances for a brighter future. Working in accordance with the DRC Accountability and quality management scheme and domestic laws is of utmost significance to the DRC
Available Vacant position in Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Recruitment 2019
1.) MEAL Team Leader
2.) MEAL Assistant – Adamawa
3.) MEAL Assistant – Borno
4.) Shelter and Infrastructure Assistant
Requirement For Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Recruitment 2020
- All Applicant must have and O level of Five (5) credit grades in WASC/GCE/SSCE including Maths, English and 3 other relevant subjects obtained in one sitting.
- Candidates must have ND, NCE, HND Bachelor’s Degree (BSC) minimum of Second Class Honours (Lower Division)
- must have the ability to work with basic computer applications (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.)
- candidates must be free from any kind of financial embarrassment
- Applicants must be fit to present the certificate of medical fitness from recognized Government Hospitals.
- Applicants must have an excellent personality, and no criminal offenses must have been sentenced.
- Applicants must not be members of a secret society, Cult or Drug Addicts etc
How to Apply for the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Recruitment 2020
Candidates who desire to apply for this recruitment are hereby required to submit their CV and Cover Letter indicating and explaining the suitability to the position applied. Provide contact information (name, place, email address and telephone number) of 3 non-related professional references, whereas the recent employer must have 1. Do not include any written suggestions. Applications should be addressed to: “Recruitment Manager”.
Note Only driven requests will be regarded that address the specified tasks and fulfill the necessary skills, sent along with a CV. CV and apps will be taken into consideration.
Applications sent/received will not be regarded after the deadline.
Only short-listed candidates will be invited to a written exam and oral interview. NIGERIAN NATIONALS ONLY have a place.
Application Closing Date
23rd August 2020.