Customs Service Past Questions | NCS Past Questions & Answers PDF Download: This is a full collection of all Nigeria Customs past Questions from previous years. all candidates who applied for NSC recruitment 2019 can now purchase the NSC pass questions and answers. it will enable you to succeed in the screening. I urge you to take out some of your time and read this article till the end there you will have first-hand information on how to pass the NCS recruitment screening exams.

However, to prove to you why you need the NSC recruitment Past questions right here on this page we will show you what the NSC Questions look like including the different areas that the questions will come out. All candidates should that the screening exams if compulsory for all successful shortlisted candidates to take the exams.
Why You Need NCS Past Questions Answers?
like they saying goes when preparation meets opportunity success is guaranty by way of purchasing this pass question you stand a chance to know that pattern of question that you will see on the day of your screening therefore if you are able to practice these past questions you will succeed
This is the main reason you should buy the past question
• It provides you a concentrated insight into what to expect from the real exam.
• Usually, 80% of the Questions contained therein are repeated either immediately or rephrased by such colleges.
• If you see them in the exam room, you can readily remember the responses to questions and save time for other tougher issues.
• Gives trust to the real thing before you enter the hall.
You might be wondering what area will the questions come from? we are here to save you with all the information you need below in the next paragraph we will show you feature and simple of the questions that you will see. you can as well can to answer the questions by yourself.
The format of the Nigeria Customs Recruitment test is as
- i. English language
- ii. Mathematics
- iii. Current Affair
- iv. Simple knowledge of terms used in customs
From the waterfall, visitors may go to the petting zoo or the swingset. From the sandbox, visitors may go to the swing set or the softball field. From the swingset, visitors may go to the petting zoo, the softball field, or the Picnic area.
(b) The visitor will not visit the picnic area
(c) The visitor will visit the Swingset before the softball field
(d) The visitor will visit at least two different area
(e) The visitor will visit at most five different areas
2) If a visitor enters the park at the sandbox, what is the maximum number of different areas the visitor may visit?
(a) 33
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
3. An NCS inspected 400 containers for undeclared goods. If 18% of the containers held undeclared goods, how many containers held undeclared goods?
A. 144
B. 48
C. 72
D. 24
4. Each year an office was allocated funds to provide bonuses to all of its employees. One year, the office received the same amount of bonus funds but lost 10% of its staff. By what percentage will the bonus amounts increase for the remaining staff in that office?
A. 12%
B. 11%
C. 13%
D. 14%
5. In June 2003, the number of NSC Agriculture Specialists employed full-time in one large office was 80. One year later, that number increased by 15%. What was the total number of CBP Agriculture Specialists employed in the office on June 2004?
A. 80
B. 54
C. 92
D. 72
6. Which of the following stock valuation methods is based on a cost estimate made before the part is purchased?
(a) Standard costing
(b) FIFO
(c) Average costing
(d) LIFO.
7. When using the ‘ABC’ approach to stock categorization.
Which of the following describes class ‘C’ items?
(a) High value, high risk
(b) High value, low risk
(c) Low value, high risk
(d) Low value, low risk
8. Warehouses and stockyards are two types of storage facilities. Which of the following is the most appropriate factor to consider in the design of a stockyard?
(a) Structure
(b) Services
(c) Surface
(d) Shelving
9. Which of the following categories of materials handling equipment does a ‘counterbalanced type’ belong to?
(a) Gravity Conveyor
(b) Forklift Trucks
(c) Picking Robot
(d) Warehouse Trolley
10. Which of the following are direct supplies?
(a) Spare parts for maintenance and repair
(b) Office supplies and equipment
(c) Materials for use in manufacturing
(d) Goods not for resale.
11. The first Nigerian whose portrait was shown in the naira is….
A. Abubakar Tafa Balewa
B. Ahmadu Bello
C. Gen. Murtala Mohammed
D. Nnamdi Azikiwe
12. The Nigerian Police Force (NPF) went on strike action for the first time in the history of Nigeria on
A. 1st February 2002
B. 2nd March 1998
C. 7th April 1992
D. 6th August 1977
13. OFR stands for?
A. An offer of the Federal Republic
B. Order of the Federal Republic
C. Office of the Federal Republic
D. Officer of the Federal Republic
14. What is the full meaning of CEMA?
A. Customs Excise and Management Act
B. Customs Exercise and Management Act
C. Customs Excise and Monitoring Act
D. Customs Exercise and Monitoring Act
15. How many rank cadres does the NCS have?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
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