Agbami Scholarship Past Questions and Answers PDF: The Agbami undergraduate Scholarship Scheme is organized by Star Deep Water, a Chevron Company and an operator of the Agbami field.if you applied for the scholarship then you need this Ebook to succeed in the scholarship screening read till the end of these has we show you how to download the past question directly to your android and laptop.

All aspiring candidates should note that by way of downloading this past question you stand a chance of preparing yourself for the screening exams. you will understand the kin of question that you will see and how you can answer them also Note that the Agbami repeat their scholarship questions on yearly basic. like a wise once said that early preparation meet success i urge you to download this past question right now
Before we show you how to download this past questions let quickly show you some samples of this past questions to prove our integrity in delivering the past question to you
The Agbami scheme follows the pattern and layout of the Face of Testing (FOT) problem. It is worth noting that most Scholastica-anchored scholarships follow this quality. The following areas are covered by the test format:
- Verbal Reasoning
- Verbal Comprehension
- Numerical Reasoning
- Abstract Reasoning
- Intelligent Quotient Test (IQ) and in some cases
- Current Affairs
Samples of Agbami Scholarship Past Questions
(1). Which of the following is most likely to cause a rise inthe average temperature of earth’s atmosphere in future?
- Atomic warfare
- CO2from fossil fuels
- Dust clouds from volcanoes
- Depletion of earth’s ozone layer
(2). Which prefix is often used with scientific terms toindicate that something is the same, equal or constant?
- iso
- mega
- meta
- quasi
(3). A shop keeper sold a T.V set for N17,940 with a discountof 8% and earned a profit of 19.6%.What would have been the percentage ofprofit earned if no discount was offered?
A 24.8%
B 25%
C 26.4%
D Cannot be determined
E. None of these
(4). Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all ofthem shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to thebullets each had after division. Find the original number divided?
A 18
C 54
How to Download Agbami Scholarship Past Questions and Answers
The test questions can be downloaded, and you can have them in pdf format on your computer, making it easy to download the Agbami ScholarshipPast Questions.
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